When to dribble, when to pass
08 Boys
This week we will revisit perception. Read this article as a refresher if you have any questions.
We want our players to be one step ahead of the game, anticipating whether they’ll dribble the ball into space or knowing who they will pass the ball to once they receive it from a teammate or win it from the opposition.
We’ll move from a wider and short field to a more narrow and long field. This will mean the boys will have to play in tighter spaces and will need to look forward first to find an open teammate.
Rondos will be our main practice tool with the defenders having the ability to score whenever they win back possession.
11 Girls
We will focus on recognizing space with the ball this week.
When a player has the ball and sees space in front of them, she will dribble into it. This commits a defender to the ball and leaves space for teammates behind her. When she has the ball and feels like there's no space to dribble into, she'll pass the ball to an open teammate.
The girls will also learn how to trap with their back foot this week in order to give them more options on the field and be a step quicker than their opponent.